International Journal of Sub-Saharan African Research (IJSSAR) is an interdisciplinary open-access journal published in the Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Nigeria. It publishes peer-reviewed, original, academic research articles that seek to promote interdisciplinary research as a means of developing solutions to peculiar problems of Sub-Saharan Africa that mono disciplinary studies could not address. The scope include: Communication and Media Studies, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology and Anthropology, International Relations and Diplomacy, Peace and Conflict Studies, Health, Education, Agriculture, Environment, Technology and Public Policy.
Publication Schedule
The journal publishes quartrely in the months of March, June, September and December. Authors Guidelines/Submission Preparation Checklist
Authors are required to ensure that their submissions comply with the following:
- The submission must not have been previously published, or before another journal for consideration.
- The submission file is in Microsoft Word format.
- Complete names, addresses, title, telephone number, and e-mail for each author with that of the corresponding author clearly specified.
- The manuscript must not exceed 5,000 words and not less than 3,500 words, including the title page, abstract and references, and must be assembled in this order: Title page, Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Ethical Clearance, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, References.
- The abstract must not exceed 200 words and must be structured as follows: Background, Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusions.
- The abstract must be accompanied by four to five keywords preferably terms not used in the title.
- All abbreviations must be spelt out when initially used, and thereafter consistently used. Abbreviations should not be used in the title or abstract.
- Conflict of interest disclosure.
- Manuscript does not exceed 10 authors and not more than six tables or figures.
- References and literature citations do not exceed 25 and not less than 10, and they are not above 10 years except in rare situations.
- Manuscript is written in British (UK) English and typed in a single line spacing, Times New Roman, 12-point font including references, figures and tables with 2.5cm margins from each edge on one side of a white A4 paper, and manuscript pages including the title page are numbered.
- The text adheres to all the stylistic and bibliographic requirements of the Journal.
How to Submit
Manuscript should be submitted as a Microsoft Word attachment via electronic mail to:
The Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Sub-Saharan African Research (IJSSAR) through editorijssar@
Authors can also visit the website to register as users and follow the instructions to submit their manuscripts.
There is no submission fees. However, there is article processing charge (APC) of $25 (N30,000) for accepted manuscripts. This is to ensure smooth and consistent running of the journal.
Dr. Kenneth Adibe Nwafor
Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, South-East, Nigeria
Guest Editors
Prof. Andrew Agyemfran-Tettey
University of Ghana, Legon, Accra
Dr. Albert Chibuwe
Midlands State University, Gweru, Zimbabwe
Dr. Ugwu, Okechukwu Paul-Chima
Kampala International University, Uganda
Associate Prof. Adaobi Duru
University of Louisiana, Monroe, USA
Dr. Sanita E. Nwakpu
Edge Hill University, Lancashire, UK
All correspondence to:
Dr. Kenneth Adibe Nwafor
International Journal of Sub-Saharan African Research (IJSSAR)
Department of Mass Communication,
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities,
Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, South-East Nigeria.
Telephone: +2348032642595, Email: