Linguistic Strategies in Nigerian Films as a Medium for Addressing Injustice against Widows in South-East, Nigeria

Published: 2024-12-23
Author(s): Uchenna Amaefule,
Background: The portrayal of women’s language in Nigerian films plays a crucial role in addressing societal issues, particularly injustices faced by widows. Examining how women’s language in Nigerian films serves as a medium for combating these injustices could help in providing a voice to the marginalized and fostering societal change.
Objective: The study investigated the ways in which female characters use language to challenge oppressive traditions, promote social awareness, and empower both on-screen and real life women. By analysing selected Nigerian films that focus on widowhood and women’s rights, the study highlights the intersection of gender, language, and power in addressing cultural practices that subjugate widows.
Method: The study employed a qualitative content analysis method to examine dialogues, character interactions, and linguistic strategies used by women in the selected films. It also draws on feminist film theory and sociolinguistic frameworks to assess how language reflects resistance, agency, and advocacy. Results: The results indicate that Nigerian films significantly use women's language as a tool for challenging widowhood oppression, fostering public discourse, and advocating for women's rights.
Conclusion: The conclusion of this study is that by giving voice to the struggles of widows, films act as a powerful medium for fighting injustice, amplifying marginalized voices, and inspiring social change in Nigerian society. Unique contribution: This study provides fresh insights into how language choices shape narratives around widowhood and address societal injustices against widows in South-East Nigeria. (This study not only contributes to linguistic and sociolinguistic scholarship by exploring the use of language in film but also offers insights into cultural discourse on widowhood, gender, and social justice within Nigerian society.)
Key Recommendation: Filmmakers and content creators should intentionally use linguistic strategies that bring attention to the plight of widows and other marginalized groups in Nigeria. The article suggests collaboration between filmmakers, linguists, and social advocates to ensure that films not only reflect these injustices but also inspire empathy, dialogue, and action among audiences, thereby fostering social justice and cultural sensitivity.
Keywords: Widowhood, social stigma, language, discrimination
Issue IJSSAR Volume 2, Issue 4, December 2024
Copyright Copyright © 2024 Uchenna Amaefule,

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Journal Identifiers
eISSN: 3043-4459
pISSN: 3043-4467