Knowledge and Perception of the Dichotomy between Medical Laboratory Science and Clinical Laboratory Medicine among Students of the University of Calabar, Nigeria

Published: 2024-12-23
Author(s): Felix Archibong, Annette Legogi, Anietie Atangwho, Kemjei Nformi, Nnachetam K. Nwafor,&Mattehew A.
Background: There has been recurrent industrial disharmonies in the Nigerian healthcare system, mainly between the Medical Laboratory Science (MLS) and Clinical Laboratory Medicine (CLM) professionals. This tussle for supervision of job role on the bench and responsibilities for patient care seems to be as a result of misunderstanding of the core differences between these two similar but entirely different professional fields of work. This misunderstanding was recently seen to have extended to the Medical Laboratory Science Students of the University of Calabar. Even though there is resemblance in these two professional fields, Medical Laboratory Science and Clinical Laboratory Medicine are two autonomous professions with clearly defined roles both by global best practice and the Acts of law in Nigeria. Understanding the core difference between CLM and MLS is important to foster a successful and strife-free professional environment in the hospital.
Objective: This study investigated knowledge and perception of the dichotomy between medical laboratory science and clinical laboratory medicine among students of the University of Calabar, Nigeria.
Method: The study was a cross-sectional observational study that used validated semi-structured and interviewee self-administered type.
Result: The result indicate that 49.7% of the students perceive Medical Laboratory Science as the same as Clinical Laboratory Medicine. Most of the study participants thought that doctors working in hospital (clinical) laboratory were Medical Laboratory Scientists, and when a medical laboratory scientist is working in the clinical laboratory, he becomes a clinical laboratory physician. About 70.1 % of the student had no knowledge of the domain of practice of the MLSs. There was also gross deficiency in the knowledge and perception of students on the dichotomy between Medical Laboratory Science and Clinical Laboratory Medicine
Conclusion: The conclusion of this study is that most of the medical laboratory science students have wrong knowledge and perceptions on the dichotomy between medical laboratory science and the clinical laboratory medicine. Unique contribution: This study has provided empirical data on knowledge and perception of the dichotomy between medical laboratory science and clinical laboratory medicine among the medical laboratory science students in University of Calabar, Nigeria. It is hoped that this would be useful to policymakers including the government, educational and health institutions, researchers, Medical Laboratory Science and Clinical Laboratory Medicine students, and the general public. Key recommendation: There is need to introduce the students to the Acts of Law that established Medical Laboratory Science (MLS) Profession which has clearly spelt out the job role of the MLS
Keywords: Medical Laboratory Science, Clinical Laboratory Medicine, Dichotomy, Acts of Law.
Issue IJSSAR Volume 2, Issue 4, December 2024
Copyright Copyright © 2024 Felix Archibong, Annette Legogi, Anietie Atangwho, Kemjei Nformi, Nnachetam K. Nwafor,&Mattehew A.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Journal Identifiers
eISSN: 3043-4459
pISSN: 3043-4467